SuperHero League
SuperHero League

About the project

The Laser World and its challenges are complex and no single hero can tackle them alone.

Together with Cailabs, TOPTICA, Class 5, Precitec, and Acktar, we’re on a mission to unite our superpowers, strengthen one another, and push the boundaries of innovation.


Super-optics hero

Born in Vilnius, Lithuania, OPTOMAN is a Super-Optics Hero, that designs, develops and manufactures high power and longevity Ion Beam Sputtered (IBS) laser optics. By digging deep into each application, OPTOMAN provides highly customised and application-optimised optics for industry and academia.

GFP mouse

Green Fluorescent Punisher by TOPTICA

In a secret lab, a humble mouse transformed into the GFP Mouse: Green Fluorescent Punisher. Fueled by TOPTICA's powerful ultrafast laser, it is a superhero brightening the laser microscopy application. The GFP Mouse fights for science, exposing cellular secrets and battling unseen enemies in the microverse!


A Catalyst of Extreme Power and Wavelength by Class 5 Photonics

Supernova, an enigmatic scientist-engineer, harnesses cosmic crystals to power their suit, which emits up to five laser beams (EUV, DUV, VIS, NIR, MIR). With ultrafast reflexes and adaptive abilities, they master nonlinear laser technologies, protecting the world.


The Guardian of Quality by Precitec

With the fastest eyes in the universe, she is the one who sees, even through the opaque. With her calm and experience, she empowers other superheroes. Driven by curiosity and insight, she embodies humility and discipline, ensuring that even the smallest details are never overlooked in the pursuit of excellence.

Captain Shape

The Light Tamer by Cailabs

Settled in Rennes, France, CAPTAIN SHAPE has the unique power of shaping the laser light to better fight multiple photonics super villains. She has already defeated DiffraXion by enforcing the (restrictive) laws of diffraction with Bessel beams, Melt Marauder who was trying to destabilize melt pools during Copper Welding, and Cracklash, caught while he was attempting to induce hot cracking during Laser Powder Bed Fusion, and is looking for more fights with the SuperHero League!


The light trapper by Acktar Ltd. International

Acktar is a world technology leader in the development, industrialization and production of light-absorbing Black coatings based on vacuum deposition technologies.

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SuperHero League comic book

We've brought the adventure to life with our comic series. Join the superheroes and explore their unique powers in the first chapter – now live!

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